Second Tuesday Monologues
Second Tuesday Monologues (STM) is hosted monthly (on the second Tuesday - doh!), usually in east London. Each month, an invited array of monologists perform a 10-minute piece on the evening's theme.
So, what’s it all about?
Each monologuer can define the month's theme however they see fit, and can define 'monologue' however they want - we've had songs, performance, readings, audience participation.
After all monologues have taken place, we invite the performers to gather on the sofa to briefly talk about their own and each other's monologues. Sometimes there's time for comments from the audience.
At the end of each event, we close with an audience participation song - also based on that evening's theme.
STM is fun, sometimes emotional, often challenging, always supportive. It's NOT an open-mic session, and it's NOT an event for 'professional' performers (although some monologists are). It's a space to experiment, and to have-a-go, and we encourage and support folks who have never got up and spoken before a crowd before.
How to take part/attend?
If you'd like to participate in one of our upcoming sessions email us at hello@prepster.info and read these quick helpful hints (below) to prepare your monologue.
If you're planning on attending, rock up around 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Whilst the event is hosted in a bar, we're not an alcohol-focused event - it's OK not to booze.
STM is FREE - and we encourage you to register for a ticket through the link for each event. It's not easy to get up and talk in front of a crowd - so we ask attendees to be respectful, supportive, and welcoming. We like to keep things nice and friendly!
STMs are currently not live-streamed.
Helpful hints to prepare your monologue
Everyone is welcome
We're a queer-friendly event - but you don't need to identify as or be queer to perform, nor for your monologue to be queer focused.
R. E. S. P. E. C. T.
Please be considerate and respectful in your content - some folks like to fire out a content alert before they start.
No experience? No problem!
You don't need to be an experienced performer - many folks have never done an event like this before - and we encourage and support first-timers!
Be yourself
You don't need to judge your content or performance against anyone else - we all have different styles, stories, and ways of being. We love that STM fosters this.
Come prepared
We strongly advise - we can't say this strongly enough! - that you put thought into preparing your monologue. The monologues that are least popular are ones when someone 'throws-out' an idea they've just had: it's hard to do this well.
Rehearse beforehand
Practice it a few times - and time your monologue. Time passes MUCH faster when you do it for real - and 10 minutes might feel like 2 minutes if you haven't timed a few practice runs.
On reading
Some people read from a paper script, or from their phone notes, or index cards. Others have learnt their piece by heart, or have a few prompt notes. Do what works for you.
STM is a safe place
It's OK to be vulnerable, to be emotional, to have fun - you're with a supportive crowd.
And... breathe
It's OK to pause, to ask to restart. Remember to breathe!